Dental Treatments
Dental Implans
Today, the most effective, healthy, modern and definitive solution in eliminating all kinds of problems caused by tooth loss is dental implants. ‘Dental implants’ are artificial roots made of titanium placed in the jaw with the aim of replacing the function and the aesthetics of the missing teeth. Implants are set to replace lost teeth for therapeutic purposes and have no side effects on the body. After a while, the implants fuse with the bone tissue and function like natural teeth. Dental implants help you to both chew and speak better. What is more, they give comfort to the person psychologically as they look just like natural teeth.
When are dental implants used?
Implants can be used in all cases of single tooth deficiency, multiple tooth deficiencies and complete loss of teeth.
In the absence of a single tooth, a fixed coating can be made on top of the implant without touching the neighbouring teeth.
In people with more than one tooth loss, a fixed crown or bridge can be made on the implant without touching the neighbouring natural teeth.
Fixed bridge veneers can be made with the help of more than one implant, in cases where a local section of teeth or all the teeth in the mouth have gone.
What are the factors affecting the success of dental implant applications?
In order for an implant to be successful, a correct diagnosis should be made after the appropriate tests. The first requirement for success is the suitability of the person. There should not be any problems preventing implantation, and the jaw bone area to be implanted should be strong and healthy enough. The second factor is the use of an optimum dental surgery in a sterile environment for placement of the implant. Thus, an implant success of 95-100% in the early and medium term can be achieved. The success of the implant in the long term entirely depends on the importance the person gives to their oral and dental hygiene.
What to do if the implant fails?
If there is a problem with an implant caused by closely sticking to the “suitability” measurements in diagnosis and surgery, it is very easy and possible to remove the problematic implant and insert a new implant
Aesthetic Dentistry
With the developing technology in aesthetic dentistry applications, you can have aesthetic restorations and aesthetic crown veneers that can no longer be distinguished from your natural teeth, which leaves you with a much more beautiful smile.
These applications like metal-free crown coatings and teeth whitening/bleaching, which we do without damaging your teeth and gums, now consist of many alternatives.